sábado, 19 de enero de 2008

in sides

Little did we know about the fact. But the truth was openwide obvius to our sight.
We shared an apartment, we lived together. We spent lot of time together. Most of the nights we prepared a dinner for the three of us. It was simple. We drank lot of wine, red and white, sometimes reddish pink. We smoked sweet and bitter smoke. Music played all day, from the only window we had, the computer. The computer was the source of sound and images. Sorry, but I forgot the other window, the one that was connected to reality. The reality of the avenue. Cars, people, dogs, the chinese minimarket, the red and yellow fastfood of big signs, the sad sad clown of fake smile, and the black male cat. It was our home and the big glass of the window of reality was broken. That is part of an old story, the story of a fight, the story of an accident. The window was reppaired, but we never changed the glass. I remember there was a white blackboard, I remember we wrote there, sometimes words, sometimes maths, sometimes compatibility stathistics of the two of us. Sometimes drawings of our personal flows. We were a little disfunctional family, reproducing our disfuntional past. We also had neighbours, some of them were funny, some of them were not. Some of them wore jelousy glasses, some of the them wore crazyness hats.
During that experience I met many people. People I wouldn´t meet in other circumstances. I learned a lot about life and such experiences. We were like Master/Apprendice sharing their insights with community. People came to see us, because they were living the process and they needed some words to understand it. We didn´t use to go out to the street. Street was violence, and we were changing our skins so we needed to protect the new skin that was growing slow. Little did we know, as I said, that the process itself was preparing the split exit. So we changed, and we no longer needed the other one that close. It was like a péndulo, the addaptation. It costed lots of tears, words and fights, and some unforgettable moments to put to rest in our memory together.

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