martes, 18 de diciembre de 2007

the story of a darkie romance

One day she was walking through the afternoon´s park, near the building´s 13 floor...and thought:
"you´re gonna wake up one morning, and you will realise: you´re gonna miss me, baby... sorry? but it´s too late..."
She had never before, thought that thought, that way of despectiveness towards the before so loved. May be overloved, perhaps, she thought, obsession, not true that basic feeling. So she was indeed the first surprised of that evening. Most than a thought it was a feeling, she would like to call it revenge, another basic feeling of an angry female. But the sadic travesti she had in mind, always told her, she was not good enough to be loved as a true woman. So what could she expect? just trash. Only trash envolved in nice words of promises never kept, always broken in the next step of fire burning through his lost eyes. A fire that cannot be called fire, but flood of alcohol, megalomaniac dreams, and grey pot. Yes. He was lost from the very first beggining. That story never could work, as it was constructed in a floating floor of ilussion. He was a wacko, who played a wicked game of destruction. He would enter your psyque and turned all over in order to be served and saved. He needed innocent light of young souls, too young to realise of that wicked game. Too young to know she could retire from that game, even started. Better. She could have decided not to play it, but too late and too structured to her taste, she kept going nowhere thinking nothing but all the damage she had done, and she would suffer for that. That damage was a past relationship, the one that though her of true love, but she was too blind to realise. Too blind, too curious, too whimpsy, too eager to know life and so.
So it was if you may say, karmic. Bed karma. Bad karma. No one understands when she say enfatic, she knew hell. Her own piece of hell. Like a piece of your own revolving shit. It´s a metaphora, hell is a lonesome town of broken hearts. When heart brakes, you rememorize all the broken pieces that remains. All the story you have of broken hearts. And the story starts very soon. May be before you were born. When heart brakes again, all the feelings of desperation, loneliness, and all the dark feelings, basic feelings of the first fall, rise. It´s like a dawn of old feelings. And the person that can make that happen are the person you give the power to. Suddenly, you fell. And you start feeling again. You start feeling what was in silence before. So it´s not that you play a victim role, it´s your own shit that comes from the mirror in front of you. As I sayed, his eyes remind her of what she was. A part of what she was before, the dark force that lays deep in the ocean mind. Now they were lovers, remembering they were ocean souls. But the ocean was the dead sea. And she was his woman. She decided, when she was in pot, wine and extasy, they were meeting before and at that time. She decided that because of that pleasure never felt before in her life, she was going to be his woman until the end of the end. And she gave her soul to him. Her soul, and her bloody nature. Light was gone. Dark had driven her that far. And she lost it. She lost her self in him, deep in his gloomy eyes of nothing. He suddenly, felt so powerful that he thought he was powerful. But he was just a fish. And he exploted in soberbia for that. And he had meet his own darkness too. Now, two hells were dancing luxury. They should not had gone that far. And they knew that was a no returning point of misery. But it felt so damm good, that they decided to meet again, and again, and again. More badkarmabed, more darkness, more lost souls, more damage, more hell for both. But the atraction was so powerfull they were blind lusty lovers, drinking all the poison together, sharing their misery.
The energy runned so high and also so deep, that they became animals. That kind of powerful forces can not be sustained for very long. Or may be in higher spirits, can be transformed in something else, but they were not ready to become angels. They were demons together, they responded to lower forces. That was because it took so long to realised they would be better far away from each other, for the sake of the light that remained in their souls, they should brake. Stop saying and seeing each other. That was one of the most difficult steps she was determined to take. And it was love at the end. The love she had for him, was the love that she decided to preserve for him. She knew she was no good for him, and the most important, that he was no longer good for her. That will be a loving emancipation, a love redemption. They just could be lovers just for one day of their lives, no longer than that. Because they were fallen angels.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

mm ;(

Usted sabe q yo no sé mucho de inglés, pero una parte de esta historia, me recordó a la pesadilla que le conté.
Por lo q te deseo que esto sea sólo una vieja pesadilla y como tal, quede en el olvido. Sé que el final, es bueno y beneficioso para esta mujer enamorada.
Sólo a esa mujer le diré que por estas cosas que tienen la vida, un día ni recordaras el nombre de aquel hombre y esto puede suceder en la medida que no se intente conservar. Hay que soltar.

Si no me sonaran conocidos los personajes y siendo objetiva, me tocó demasiado el texto. Como lectora, me identifiqué por momentos, me generó sentimientos diversos, dolor, mucho dolor, desilusión por parte de la niña que creyó y se lanzó al amor creyéndolo verdadero. Bronca hacia ese hombre que jugó con el corazón inocente de un ser que buscaba ser amado como mujer y como persona.
Y cuando leo y escucho esta historia, me niego a pensar que puede haber dejado una marca para toda la vida que le impida volver a ver lo que ella creyó en un momento de su vida poder encontrar, Y eso es: un verdadero AMOR CORRESPONDIDO!!!