miércoles, 16 de abril de 2008

ὀξύμωρον, oxymoron


Rapido,cada vez se va haciendo
mas veloz que no sientes el vertigo
que estoy sintiendo yo??
antes los dias eran largos
no como hoy que se pasan volando
deberiamos ir lento
para ver caminar
esa oruga en la hoja
y verla por el tallo bajar
hacia la humeda tierra
donde descansara
antes no podia ver moverse
nunca al sol
hoy parece un cometa
que cruzara veloz
corre,corre siempre adelante mas veloz
sin saber nunca a donde
deberia ir mas lento
para conocer mas
la pupila y el iris
y lo profundo de tu mirar
y despues concentrarme
en todo lo demas
rapido cada vez se va haciendo
mas veloz que no sientes el vertigo
que estoy sintiendo
rapido podriamos ir mas rapido por favor
que esto es como una droga
deberiamos ir lejos
para ver la funcion
del sol y los planetas
bailando todos al rededor
de la orquesta de estrellas cantando su cancion.

this song is more an expression of a desire than a possible reality nowadays... time has become a dense cloud behind actions: go there, take that, say that, pay attention, take notes, take thoughts, take a cigarrete, keep walking, run the bus, change the money, ring the bell, take that call, do not speak your mind, speak your mind, adjust the alarm clock, take a bath, take a breath, keep going, make supper, listen to that song, change batteries, keep smiling, keep smiling, do that question, find that answer, look for that job, take two minutes more before you get up from bed, do not think that, try not to think that, concentrate on that, breath the smog, take a snack, take that class, skip that shift, run run run ... and on and on again, everyday. Can`t complain, worked hard to get this, chosed this. and what about feelings...? have no time to ask them, just know they may find their way, running or standing still. know that have done lot, count on that, and reflect that didnt give myself the time to enjoy just that but instead gave lot of time depending on other´s feelings and answers, like a pretender of needyness. take the whole responsability on that. was used to... now try something different. and from time to time, let the contradiction work from itself, like an oxymoron spell.
"relax /don´t do it..."

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