viernes, 6 de marzo de 2009

"I won´t share you"

I need to remember a motive
to crash boom bang.
Soldiers were made of stone,
flash lights and devices.
Perhaps a delightful mistake
in order to rush into the night.
Connections to improve the message
around the whole new world.

Call me if you need a distraction. I´m available most of the time if I´m not thinking. Cruel heart of peppermint papers is my second known name.

jugarás tu fuego
espíritu feroz
de vida
influencia de vientos
intuyendo destino
jugarás tu siembra
apelmazada de tierra
en el hogar vientre
del trueno
riendo en la nave
de la especie
jugarás tu decisión
tu riesgo
las órbitas celestes
de pequeñas constelaciones

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